Parques: La diversión natural comienza en los parques

Titular 1: ¡Parques y Recreación está CONTRATANDO!
Consulte las oportunidades laborales y postúlese en línea: Panel de Puestos de Trabajo .

Titular 2: Se necesitan nadadores fuertes para cubrir puestos de salvavidas: entrenaremos a los seleccionados. Envíe solicitud en línea: Panel de Puestos de Trabajo .

Titular 3: Debido a las obras de construcción en curso en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Back to Nature, Eagles Roost está CERRADO hasta nuevo aviso. Due to construction of the observation pier, Reserva de Pantanos de Crosby Island is CLOSED until further notice.

Titular 4:

Titular 5:

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Titular 7:

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Titular 9:

Titular 10:

Tibet-Butler Preserve offers numerous educational programs to teach children and adults about our environment.
Tibet-Butler Preserve
Tibet-Butler Preserve
Bench Butterfly Garden Rec. Programs Trails Wildlife
Hours of Operation:
Sunday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Phone Number: (407) 254-1940
8777 Winter Garden - Vineland Rd.
Orlando, FL 32836
Acreage: 438
Points of Interest:
Home of the Vera Carter Environmental Center which provides a variety of exhibits and displays. Hike on miles of trails and participate in ongoing environmental programs. No bicycles allowed. With the exception of ADA service animals, pets are not allowed in Tibet-Butler Preserve.

Trailblazers Update

  • The trails are open but still very muddy and flooded in some areas, and Palmetto Passage remains closed.
  • Trailblazer Hiking Program: hike 20 miles in the Preserve and get a free T-shirt! On your first visit, register for the program at the Preserve's Education office. Then each time you come to hike, enter your miles in the hiking log. When you have accomplished a total of 20 miles, you will receive a free T-shirt!
Tibet-Butler Preserve map

Programs and Activities:

  • Effective January 1, 2025, Eco Education programs related to Florida plants, wildlife and conservation will be available to schedule on any day of the week for field trips -- a minimum of 10 paid participants is required. Scheduling must be 30 days or more in advance of the date of visit, with insurance coverage as required by Orange County; please see Group Visitation Guidelines for details.


Parques y Recreación del Condado de Orange
4801 W. Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32808

Para llegar a un parque específico: haga clic en la pestaña A-Z y seleccione el parque o instalación que le interese para obtener el número de teléfono.
Administración de Parques: 407-836-6200
Línea Telefónica para Conocer los Eventos en los Parques: 407-836-6280
Lista de Eventos en Facebook: Condado de Orange, Florida
Twitter: @OrangeCoParksFL